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Category: Philosophy

Emergency Funds – Is It Time To Change Again?

Emergency Funds – Is It Time To Change Again?

We have been pursuing Financial Independence for just about 4 years now. We were semi-frugal in our lifestyle and borderline valuist in our choices for a while before that though without knowing that we were doing anything special. About 10 years ago we read some financial article somewhere that everyone should have an emergency fund. We had been living paycheck to paycheck at the time so the concept was foreign to me. Savings, emergency funds? These were things spoken about…

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You Can’t Plan for Everything, But You Should Still Try

You Can’t Plan for Everything, But You Should Still Try

When this COVID-19 outbreak started getting serious in the US a few weeks back, my wife and I quickly came to the realization that we were both in very “non-recession-proof” industries. She has been at the same role with an oil and gas company for the last 9 years, doing geotech / GIS work. When oil prices cratered at the end of 2015, the company that she works for had to do massive layoffs, just like many others in the…

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Looking Back This Will Feel Different

Looking Back This Will Feel Different

When I think back to the “Great Recession”, I find it hard to remember how I was feeling about it while it was happening. At the time that the recession began in early 2008, my life had already been turned on its head. I had moved from Pittsburgh where I had lived my entire life down to Northern Virginia to move in with my then-girlfriend. We were expecting our first child in May of that year. I was in a…

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Day 10 of The Rest of Our Lives

Day 10 of The Rest of Our Lives

As with most everyone else in the county / state / world, the last 10 days have been completely alien for us. We never really went out as a family often anyways, other than to visit family or go on hikes, so this social distancing / almost-lockdown is not a big deal. Also, I have been used to working remotely – my current employer allows us in-office folks to work remote 2x per week and we even had a 3…

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My Why of FI

My Why of FI

So we went over how we plan on reaching financial independence but we have yet to explain why we want to be financially independent. The retort that I get from many of my peers when I mention anything about our plans is “Even if that works out for you, what are you going to do all day?” or “Well I personally enjoy working, I will probably work until I am 75 or so” Both of these are valid arguments depending…

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