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Tag: compound interest

How We Saved On Cars

How We Saved On Cars

It costs us less to own and operate three cars than it would to own and operate two cars. Yep, you read that right. If you’re surprised, then join the club. I was very surprised at the time that I figured this out. Before we delve into explaining our transition to our current automobile scenario, let’s start at the beginning. A Common American Car Story I didn’t learn how to drive until I was 17, this was due in most…

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Can Solar Panels Save You Money?

Can Solar Panels Save You Money?

Before we get too deep into the trenches here, I will readily admit that there is no one size fits all answer for “Will solar panels save me money”? The best way to find out if a photovoltaic system can work for your property is to have some installers come out and do quotes. But here are some quick guidelines: Do you have trees shading your house that you can’t or don’t want to remove? Do you lack one continuous…

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Small Changes Matter

Small Changes Matter

Walk into any conversation about cord-cutting, switching energy suppliers, or heck, even fuel-efficient cars and you will always find one person saying something along the lines of “Oh but that’s such a small amount, that won’t really make a difference”. One of the biggest obstacles to people changing their behaviors is the belief that the reward won’t be big enough to justify what is perceived as a sacrifice. I am here to dispel that myth. The first and very most…

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